hari ini....

This blog of mine has been created since 2008 actually, but I never post anything so far..
the reason why I created this is firstly because of my teacher told me to. And it's graded, it's for academic english course. He said that blog is like a diary, where you write your life story, which made me think, isn't diary suppose to be a secret? why would you post it online? and let other people to see your life, your secret? what's the point of privacy then?
Two years later, which is now, I started writing this blog, yess, exactly this is my first posting,
why would I do this? It seems that i can share a lot of thing, information or may be wisdom (hehe..) but most importantly, some of my friends says that it may benefit you somehow in the future. So I think, why not? starting to make something, a habit of writing, posting my designs, making portfolio, sharing my believe. It may work somehow.. :)


Irene Salomo said…
yep setuju banget, blog sgt bermanfaat. apalagi lu designer, bs masuk2in hasil karya, ntar klo dah makin profesional bs ditransfer ke website yg lbh pro deh, yg penting 'nabung' dulu dr skrg hehe...
klo buat gw pribadi, blog selain bs jd tempat sharing ke org lain, jg tempat gw nyimpen memory dr thoughts or experience gw, jd ntar kapan2 klo mo nostalgia tinggal buka blog, kyk fiona jg suka bkin record d blog :)