
Yey, me have my shelfari now!! *dance2*
Those are the books That I have read or am reading now :)
Although since it is amazon, I can't really show you the Indonesian books I have read :(
Books written by Ci Grace Suryani or Daud Tony are in my list actually.. Since one of the commitment I made for 2012 is to finish minimum one book in a month, I made a list of books I would like to read (gotta buy it first tho.. T__T) especially since I want the english version not the translation (which sucks most of the time --').

Wanna read these booksss... >.<
1.Leslie Ludy's bookss... I fall in love with the book design.. hahha...

2. The edition of woman's battle by Shannon Ethridge
I'm still confused wether to have both of this book or just either one of it.. :S

3. Other books which will help me be a better woman of God :)
This one is necessary no? *confused*
I'm interested because of the cover.. :P
but it seems from the synopsis, doesn't look really too good.. T__T

4. Another Books I want :P

errr.... 16 books?? :S *sigh* .....
Wish I can Buy and Read it all.. hahhaha.. :P


Irene Salomo said…
wah 90% buku ini ada di library gereja gw :D
blh tuh Eun, usulin ke hok im tong u/bikin library sangat bermanfaat :)
klo yg buku import harganya murahan mana sama di SG or aussie? klo di SG, biasa gw cek di:

klo aussie di
ntar feb gw ada training di SG, tapi blm berani beli buku krn msih numpuk buku d rmh yg belum kebaca wkwkkw....
Yuki nike said…
oh yaa??? wah hok im tong gw gereja baru umur 7 tahun.. --' lagian pengen punya ketimbang pinjem.. hahahahaha... kacau diriku ini..
di Plaza Indonesia kemaren gw cek ada toko buku rohani yang jual buku2 import gitu.. the shop is very cuteee trus di tokonya ada t4 duduk gitu buat komsel wahahahahah... *boleh kesana gih lain kali kita mw komsel :P) ada kafenya jg ;D
Irene Salomo said…
oiya?? gw tiap hari ngantor di PI aja ga tau wkkwkw.....paling ga hobi jalan2 d mall sih :P
apa nama tokoknya? ntar klo ke kantor gw samperin
Yuki nike said…
kecil ren, tokonya deket lift gitu.. warna pastel2.. :P lupa gw letak persisnya dimana since gw jarang ke PI hahahaha...
Irene Salomo said…
icic....yg gw tau malah GI, tapi ga lengkap2 amat juga.
btw klo mau baca2 resensi buku ada di sini:
gw lmy sering beli buku d lilinkecil juga