Final Project

Hualooo!! :P, I've been wanting to post this semenjak final project gw dah kelar, but I've been kinda lazy, jadi yah --' hehehheehe...
So, actually final project or tugas akhir or skripsi or thesis ini dah kelar semenjak Juli kemarin. Thanks to a lot of people, for their endless support and prayer, I could finish it well. :) Nah, tugas akhir gw ini temanya mungkin rada unik, hehehe, karena gw memang pengen do something yang unik and push myself beyond boundaries to think outside the box. Judul tugas akhir gw ini adalah "Alternative Design: Softex packaging" hohoho.. and yess, ini beneran softex yang itu yang terkenal buat perempuan.. :P
Jadi gw redesign packaging/bungkus softex sebanyak 13 biji packaging trus gw design jg item2 lainnya kayak tempat majang packagingnya (we call it Point of purchase or PoP) trus pouch sama shopping bag. Honestly, perjuangan selama ngerjain design buat tugas ini itu berat abis, I cry a lot, sweat a lot and it even involve blood.. nyahahaha.. Thank God bisa kelar semuanya dengan baik.
Here's some pic I'd like to share about the design I did. The concept for the packaging tuh adalah "buku" karena target marketnya tuh cewek2 remaja yang disekolah, gw pikir biar ga malu bawa2 pembalut kemana2, gw kamuflasein aje jadi buku.. :P

This two pic are all the 13 packaging :)

ini contoh kalo ada isinya.. hehehe (mohon maap rada vulgar)

tampak depan (ada ukuran gede and kecil)

tampak dalam

tampak dari depan

tampak dari belakang + samping

this is me! on the day after sidang berfoto barengan "softex" hehehehe... (and dun worry, gw ga pake crocs pas sidang :P)

and yess, gw lulus kok tenang saja.. hoho, all the glory to God.
Thank u kawan2 buat dukungan dan doa-doanya.. :D


Anonymous said…
Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it's very unique & refreshing…
Anonymous said…
That's really interesting. Thanks for posting all the great information! Had never thought of it all that way before.