10 Church/Chapel with Extraordinary building

diambil dari posting gfresh di anakmuda blogspot, tapi kali ini gw tambahin foto2nya karena penasaran.. hehehee.. ternyataaa.. wow abis bangunan2ny.. -____-
Tulisan yang warna *ungu* is my komen :D

1. Gereja futuristik di Harajuku, Jepang
Gereja Protestan yang ada di Tokyo ini didesain dengan bahan khusus sehingga suara yang ada di dalamnya akan bergema selama 2 detik sehingga kasih kita pengalaman menyembah Tuhan yang tak terlupakan. (love the curvy2 shape, unik abis)

2. Gereja warna warni di Moskow, Rusia
Gereja othodox di lapangan merah, Moskow, Rusia ini terkenal karena kubahnya yang warna warni apalagi kalau diliat dari jauh, dengan latar belakang langit, keren banget. (this one is pretty famous building lah yah! hehehe)

3. Gereja tertinggi di Islandia
Gereja Hallgrímskirkja (pikirin sendiri gimana cara ngomongnya)(gw sendiri bingung how to pronounce this --') adalah gereja Lutheran di Reykjavík,  Islandia. Yang bikin gereja ini spesial adalah gereja ini salah satu dari 4 bangunan tertinggi di Islandia. (asli ini bangunan berkharisma abiss)

4. Gereja bawah tanah di Helsinki
Gereja Temppeliaukio Kirkko (gereja batu) adalah gereja yang dibangun di bawah tanah di dengan teknologi canggih di Helsinki. (*speechless*)

5. Gereja modern di Brazil
Katedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida di ibukota Brazil ini punya atap kaca yang dibentuk kayak tangan yang menjulang tinggi ke langit. (lebih speechless lagi)

6. Gereja kayu di Lærdal, Norwegia
Gereja Borgund Stave adalah gereja yang dibangun di abad 12 dari kayu. Semuanya dari kayu loh. Beneran kayu. (*menganga*, looks soo medieval and fantasy bangeetttt, rasanya kayak langsung picture all those scenes from LOTR or films as such)

7. Gereja Gothic di Colombia 
       Katedral Las Lajas. Cathedral ini dibangun di dalam lembah sungai Guaitara. Gereja ini juga terkenal sama legenda lukisan bunda Maria yang muncul secara tiba-tiba di dinding batu. (This looks like those CASTLES existing in fairy talee.. . . . . . .)

aanddd, this is how it look at night! *those liggghhhtttssssssss!!!!* 

8. Gereja 13 kubah emas di Chicago
Gereja St. Joseph The Betrothed adalah gereja Katolik Yunani Ukrania di Chicago. Gereja ini punya ciri khas 13 kubah emas yang melambangkan Yesus en 12 muridNya. (at first i wasn't really impressed especially ketika dah ke "wow" sm churches2 sebelumnya, until I see the interior. . . . . .)

Do you see the big chandelierr???

9. Gereja peluru di Serbia
       Dari luar gereja Ružica emang gak istimewa (yang bener aje? tetep aja wow neh buat gw.. hahaha) tapi di dalamnya istimewa. Yang bikin gereja ini istimewa adalah lampu kristalnya terbuat dari selongsong peluru, pedang sama bagian-bagian meriam. (what a way to recycle those violent tools into a lamp yah? hehehe..)

10. Gereja di bukit batu
Chapel St-Gildas ini benar-benar alktabiah banget deh. Dibangun di atas bukit batu, seperti kata Yesus, ‘di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku.’ (dat church is indeed very strong buat bisa ga rubuh dari tuh karang2 yah.. hahahaha)

Copyright majalah GFRESH! www.anakmudanet.blogspot.com


PUAS GAK????? hehehehe, gw aja kagak puas liat2in, so I researched moreee, and found some more unique building.. hahahahaha.. 

1. Sedlec Ossuary Chapel, Czech Republic
Dari luar tampaknya normal.. 

Normal kan??? BUTTTT, wait for ittttttt!!!


Horor abis ga tuh?? yess those're human skulls -___-" 

Known as the church of bones, the chapel was built centuries ago in the middle of a graveyard, and the interior is decorated with the bones exhumed from mass graves during construction. The ossuary contains the bones of thousands of people, and the pièce de résistance is a huge chandelier containing at least one of every bone in the human body. (For reall????? I find this church verryyyy creeppyyy and malah those skulls seems to be some kind of human sacrifice..... -___-')

2. Church of St Maximus, Katskhi, Georgia
This church is built at the top of a 40m high limestone monolith, and was until recently a ruin from the Middle Ages. It had not been visited in centuries, in fact the first documented ascent to the church in modern times was in 1944, and a crypt and a wine cellar were discovered underneath the building. In 1995, a local monk called Maxim built an iron ladder to the top, nicknamed the “stairway to heaven”. The church was restored not long after, and Maxim still lives there. I wonder how to get to the church.. hahahahha.. gak kebayang gw blm smp gereja dah keringatan duluan.. LOL

3. Jubilee Church (Rome, Italy)
Jubilee Church has very distinctive curved walls which look like sails and serve the engineering purpose of minimizing thermal peak loads in the interior space.The walls are made from a special cement, which contain titanium dioxide, so it destroys air pollution. According to Borgarello When the titanium dioxide absorbs ultraviolet light, it becomes powerfully reactive, breaking down pollutants that come in contact with the concrete.
( I wish every building in the world is like this yahh? NICEEE, built a church = less polution!)

4. Thorncrown Chapel (Eureka Springs, AR, USA)
Constructed mostly of wood and other materials indigenous to northwestern Arkansas, the design minimized material transportation costs. Though it looks like an open-air structure, the chapel is a glass-enclosed, conditioned space. (Pengeeeeeennnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! it must be a reallly nice placeeeeeeeee >.<)

5. Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira, (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
Catedral de Sal (Salt Cathedral) in Zipaquira, about 25 miles north of Bogota, is an underground church built in a tunnel of salt mines deep inside a salt mountain. It is built into a space left by salt mining; everything you see here is salt. As you descend into the church, you pass 14 small chapels representing the stations of the suffering of Christ. The sanctuary at the bottom has three sections, representing the birth, life, and death of Jesus.(unik banget deh gereja ini bisa ada dalam mining gitu.. hohoho..)

sooo, dats it!! sebenarnya masih buanyaakk lagi, tp gw ga sanggup masukin semuanya.. hahahahahha, jadi 15 saja gw post disini.. wkwkwk... 

These churches indeed have unique, cool building but then again church is not the building but it's the people :) (jadi teringat lagu sekolah minggu.. hehehe (*humming: "gereja bukanlaahh gedungnyaaaa....") 

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