10 Things I love from GH
After 2 tahun, It is time to say goodbye to this table. :'(
I am writing this as a reminder for myself, so dat one day, I shall remember again, the things I have learned for the past 2 years working at this desk.
For the past 2 years, i have been working as an art designer at Good Housekeeping Indonesia. And now, setelah penuh pergumulan (halah...) I'm saying goodbye for this table. :'(
Nevertheless, i want to remind myself and be grateful of all the things i have gotten and experienced in the past 2 years working here.
1. I get to do what I love the most: editorial design
Bukan cuman layout normal aja, tp jg bisa ikut partisipasi ketika majalah revamp (ganti looks)
2. I get to do cover designn hihi
And the fact dat ini disebar ke seluruh Indo, jd bangga sendiri. Also in the process of cover design, i was helped by the team from Hearst international of which I learned A LOT.
3. Lots of free things
Ever since gw kerja disini, gw dah ga pernah lagi beli pasta gigi and sabun. Wkwkwk secara stock gw masih banyak. And krn gw anak kosan, hemat duit sembako gw hyahaha. Sekalinya dapet free things, dapetnya sekardus... Hahhaa
Ever since gw kerja disini, gw dah ga pernah lagi beli pasta gigi and sabun. Wkwkwk secara stock gw masih banyak. And krn gw anak kosan, hemat duit sembako gw hyahaha. Sekalinya dapet free things, dapetnya sekardus... Hahhaa
4. Arisan
Nah, ini lagi free stuff jg ujung2nya hehe.. Tp lbh 'high-end' muahahhaa.. Jd biasanya dalam beberapa waktu ketika 'lemari' redaksi dah penuh, dibongkarlah smua isinya trus dikocok deh sp yg dpt hehhee
Nah, ini lagi free stuff jg ujung2nya hehe.. Tp lbh 'high-end' muahahhaa.. Jd biasanya dalam beberapa waktu ketika 'lemari' redaksi dah penuh, dibongkarlah smua isinya trus dikocok deh sp yg dpt hehhee
5. Food
Nah, kantor redaksi byk dpt kiriman makanan wkwkwk. Mulai dari makanan snack2 gitu ampe makanan 'aneh' (makanan sehat sih sebenarnya, tp yah taste weird T__T)
Gw selama di kantor naik ampe 7kg hiks... Abisnya makan kue tak henti2.. :P terlebih kalo musim lebaran, natal ato ketika bos ulang tahun.. Banjir kuee... Hahaha.. Forgive me for having sweet tooth :P
Nah, kantor redaksi byk dpt kiriman makanan wkwkwk. Mulai dari makanan snack2 gitu ampe makanan 'aneh' (makanan sehat sih sebenarnya, tp yah taste weird T__T)
Gw selama di kantor naik ampe 7kg hiks... Abisnya makan kue tak henti2.. :P terlebih kalo musim lebaran, natal ato ketika bos ulang tahun.. Banjir kuee... Hahaha.. Forgive me for having sweet tooth :P
6. Food - part2
Slama di GH, eke jadi food stylish abal2 myahahhaaha.. jadi tau ceritanya foto makanan yg cantik2 itu biasanya ga bisa dimakan :P
Slama di GH, eke jadi food stylish abal2 myahahhaaha.. jadi tau ceritanya foto makanan yg cantik2 itu biasanya ga bisa dimakan :P
9. Ketemu mbak2 yg keren
Wait for it...
Najwa shihab
Wait for it...
Najwa shihab
Setelah ngantri, ngejar2 melihat2 celah, akhirnya dapaatt wkwkwk
Anddd... Ga smpi disitu, gw jg mintain autographnya (not for myself tho)
10. Last but the most important, Great team
Dengan segala kelebihannya dan keterbatasanny, I have witness the magazine grow rapidly. And smua yah hasil kerja tim. Working late, smua untuk tujuan dimana ingin mengedukasi perempuan Indonesia untuk menjadi wanita yang lebih baik: to look good, to feel good, to have a good life, to eat good food, and to have good house. :P
Dengan segala kelebihannya dan keterbatasanny, I have witness the magazine grow rapidly. And smua yah hasil kerja tim. Working late, smua untuk tujuan dimana ingin mengedukasi perempuan Indonesia untuk menjadi wanita yang lebih baik: to look good, to feel good, to have a good life, to eat good food, and to have good house. :P
I am honored to be part of you, to learned A LOT. Pretty sure the 'me' before GH is very different from 'me' now. Before, i was naive, have a little bit of attitude problem (hehehehe), a little bit arrogant (peace!), less mature. And you guys took me in, through it God has mold me, shape me into a better version of Nike today. *Speechless*.
Needless to say, out of all the words exist in this universe, it seem that there are no words that is enough to express my gratitude. Nevertheless, I hope "Thank you all" is sufficient.
Be seeing you.. ^^
With love,