Nyari kerjaaa... Part 1

This post ada pergumulan gw selama 3 bulan setelah gw lulus.. hehehe, bagaimana susahnya nyari kerja sesuai dgn keinginan gw. (kalo gw sesuai kan gampang toh? hehehe..) and the things that I share to you here is very personal to me. I show you how weak I am (which I hate karena gw jaim banget untuk show that I have weaknesses). My emotion were true here. And if some of you feel yah baru segini sdh teriak? well, everybody has different limit and standard :) heehheehe.. 

I share this story of my life as a promise I made to God that when I get a job, I will share pergumulan yang gw lalui bersama dengan Tuhanku, how my Heavenly Bestie has helped me gone through all these time :)  Enjoy.. and since post ini panjaaannnggg, gw bagi2 dalam 4 parts hehehe.. this is part one.  


Setelah lulus ngapain yah?? i'm sure u guys pasti banyak yang telah ngalamin ato lagi ngalamin or blm ngalamin pertanyaan ini.. hehehe..

For me, coz I hate hidup tanpa kepastian, tanpa tujuan, I know for sure gw mau ngapain, mau kemana. Rencana-rencana gw sdh gw tata rapi (cie ilah!). My plan is to work for the next 2 years then gw pengen studi lanjut s2 abroad for a 1 to 1.5 year and this part can only happen if I get scholarship (amiinnn!!!).

Anyway, so clearly my plan for now is to work. pertanyaan selanjutnya tuh, mau kerja dimana?
Nah karena gw seorang graphic designer, I wanna work pada awalnya tuh di Big Agency such as The Brand Union or Dentsu. Those two are my main target not only karena they are internationally well-known agency but also karena deket ma tempat tinggal gw.. myahahaha.. (my small yet comfy kosan room).

The story starts after gw kelar dengan urusan2 terakhir kuliah which is to submit hardcover thesis, ngumpulin foto, data2 buat wisuda, etc. That happened in akhir september sampe awal Agustus. Trus abis itu gw pulang kampung deh ke Makassar. hehe.. Rencana gw adalah untuk pulang and nyantai selama sebulan, istirahat dari hiruk-pikuk post-traumatic Thesis (asli, 3 minggu setelah sidang gw masih mimpiin sidang, ckckck). Sambil liburan yah apply ke agency2. Supaya by the end of my liburan, coz usually it took up to one month buat company from the entry of application to calling us back, gw bisa balik Jakarta and have a job directly. Sounds like a nice plan right? :P

tapi yang terjadi adalaahhh, it's more than that --'

So, balik Makassar awal Agustus, pulang kampung, liburan, refreshing, ketemu mami-papi, bully adik cwo gw yg lagi puber (I'm a mean sister! myahahha). Me really2 enjoy my nyantai timeee... hehehe, sounds really senang gitu nganggurnya. Apalagi kan pas gw balik Makassar itu orang2 lagi libur lebaran tuh. Jadi ortu gw jg pada libur so kita orang bisa ke Pulau Samalona (in case u don't know about it, google it!) trus we go to Malino as well (ini kayak Puncaknya Makassar gitu dehh.. tapi lebih dingin.. hohoho). Wah, gw refreshing banget daahhh...
Setelah masa-masa libur lebaran kelar, everything back to normal, bonyok mulai sibuk, temen2 gw yang di Makassar balik kuliah smua, adik gw jg dah masuk sekolah lagi. Alhasil sebagai orang nganggur, sendirian deh gw di rumah. Karena pembantu rumah tangga di rumah gw itu ga bisa masak, jadinya gw masak deh. Hari demi hari potong bawang, tumis sayur, bikin sup dst..
All went nice until gw jadi bosan, gerah, and bingung, ini kok company2nya pada blm telpon balik yah? hiks... kok ga sesuai with what I had planned for.. T__T plus karena sodara2 gw mulai nanya, sudah apply blm? mau kerja dimana? kapan kerja? semua gw jawab sebulan lagi, karena bulan ini gw mau istirahat dulu. Tapi ini sdh mau sebulan blm ada panggilan balik dari agency2 yang gw apply..

One thing I am is that harga diri gw tinggi/ ego gw gede. Banyak orang bilang kalo yang namanya kerjaan tuh terutama in a big company lu masuknya harus pake koneksi, ga bisa biasa2 saja. Ibaratnya harus ada nepotisme dikit lah. Jujur aja, I HATE that. Sebagai orang yang idealis gw punya ketetapan bahwa gw bisa get a job in a well-known, good, famous agency/company without the help of any one. I can get it with pure meritocracy and plus gw punya Big and Omnipotent God that can make 'impossible' thing become 'possible'. So, when people bilang gw punya kenalan nih, ato lu mau gw kenalin? ato apa lah gitu. gw cenderung langsung malas dengerin ato gimana lah. Padahal niat mereka pengen bantuin.. hehehhe, dan juga sometimes just because u punya koneksi, it still means that u have to go through the entrance process. Maafkan saya sodara2 yang menawarkan bantuan dan gw jutek/judes menanggapinya.. --'

Back to the timeline. So it was almost a month and no call. gw mulai panik, mulai bingung, berdoa dengan nada yang mulai merengek ke Tuhan. Then God gave me ideas that may be, apa yang gw pikir selama ini (to work in a big company) is not what He wants me to go. Niat awal gw kenapa mau big karena as a freshgrad, I need the name, I need the connection, experience that can be provided through the big company. May be, Tuhan ga pengen gw ke sana karena something.
So, gw mulai tanya2 dosen, cici sepupu gw (yang jg graphic designer), and kakak2 kelas gw.
Lewat seorang dosen, gw nanya banyak hal (tanpa minta bantuan to actually connect me to someone). I told her about my dream (pengen skull ke luar negeri), what my current plan is (my work at big agency) and all the things needed to get the job (of course secara halal.. hehe).
She told me that ada banyak plus minus working di big agency or small agency. In big agency, yess u'll get the name, but since it's big, mereka biasanya sdh terikat banget sm client and secara design sdh banyak ketentuan-ketentuan yang diberlakukan causing the design to be not as creative as it should/can be. Juga biasanya untuk freshgrad/anak baru, kerjaan2 yang dikasih bakal kerjaan2 yang dasar banget such as tracing2. Meanwhile kalo kerja di small agency, kerjaan lu bakal dikasih banyak and the chances of expressing creativity itu luas which will further impact you to have good portfolio (really needed kalo gw mau keterima di univ2 bgs). She also ask gw dah apply dimana aja and suggest some other agency yang cocok dgn apa yang gw mau. So, I apply deh... ^^

Nah one of the agency yang suggested (let's just called it agency A) gw email, tp I wasn't really gimanaaa gitu ma nih tempat pada awalnya. hehee.. Gw kirim CV, Portfolio and 2 reference letters ke agency ini itu pas malem and besok paginya, gw baru bangun, ngecek handphone ada 4 miscall from unknown number tp nomor Jakarta. gw telp tuh nomor andddd... ternyata dari agency A ini and mereka minta gw datang untuk di interview minggu depannya! Puji Tuhaaannnnnnn, gw speechless loh, cuman beda sehari juga.. Tuhan jawab doaku sungguh cepaattt... >.< gw lsg telpon nyokap (yang pas itu lagi ga di rumah) trus nyokap kasih tau bokap. hohohoho.. lsg beli tiket pulang Jakarta.. hehehe..

Need u to know that A ini agency yang lumayan well-known altho ga gedee banget (middle laahh) so I was really happy to that they call me first thing in the morning after receiving my application the night before (kepercayaan diri gw ke boost-up ^^). So gw balik Jakarta tanggal 5 September sore2, in which gw langsung dari bandara ke kosan trus dari kosan langsung ke benhill buat ngeprint portfolio (ini karena printing company di makassar really really really SUCK) then abis ngeprint gw pulang deh ke kosan. Then the next morning gw pergi deh buat interview :) with big hopess.. hehehehe...
interviewnya setelah ke pending 1 jam akhirnya berlangsung and in the end gw dikasih test. The test required me to design a brand logo, 2 packaging and 3 promotional items. All in 3 days!! and since itu hari kamis, gw harus submitnya hari sabtu.... --' gw shock booo, setelah terima tuh testnya gw pulang kos jalan sempoyongan, while telling my dosen, frens, fam. Why am I shock? karenaaaa... gw tuh untuk proses thesis aja in which gw redesign packaging (16 items sih) itu requires 5 months lah ini, 1 logo, 2 packaging, 3 promo items in 3 days.. gw speechless kali booo, bingung super bingung gw mau gimana. Mana otak gw ini masih dalam mood liburan lagii, shock terapi abis dah --'

Di kosan, gw bergumul boo, ini agency worth ga sih? what they asked me to do is a lot, is it worth the risk? will I get accepted? gw jujur aja malas banget ngerjain testnya especially blm tentu gw bakal diterima ato gak despite the interview which I think went well. Nah, but then Tuhan ingatin gw to give my best in everything that the decision later is purely His right. So, I did it! 3 dayss!! hohoho, well, I must say the design sih is good but I can do much better if you give me more time! hahahaha (obviously gw ga say this to the company). So I sent my design and wait for a week as they promised :)

A week passed, no info. . . jadi gw telpon mereka, dan tanya. ternyata blm diurus T____T. They then say, we're gonna see and inform you later. That was siang2 and by afternoon gw dapet email kalo yah basically gw ga diterima T_____T. Sedih? Iya lah... tapi thank God banget He enables me untuk bangkit lagi, start from beginning, apply2 lagi and to more company. :)

For weeks gw nungguin telpon, by this time i had applied to more than 20 company, rasanya tuh dah kayak jual diri. It's like having a label in front of your chest that say "Hire Me, Please!" Tiap hari tuh gw buka email hoping for an email dari someone else other than jobstreet. Gw liatin handphone berharap ada telpon, pas ada telpon masuk langsung bahagia trus ketika liat nomornya, eh.. ternyata mami --' (kacau dah, ortu nelpon gw malah kecewa, krik.. krik.. krik.. *maap mamiku* :s )
Di sela2 minggu2 yang lama ini, gw banyak berdoa, berpuasa, sebab I really hate being in this uncertain condition a.k.a Nganggur! I know the only source of hope is God. He is also my source of strength and faith. Ga gampang buat tetap stay positive ketika apa yang gw liat itu negatif mulu. T__T
Many people also pray for me (Thank you all!) especially my parents.

One morning I woke up and cek hp ada sms dari nyokap gw. Dia bilang,
"Nike, kamu sabar yah, tetap beriman, tetap berdoa, tetap bergantung pada Tuhan. Mungkin Tuhan sedang ingin mengajarkan kamu kesabaran, iman dan kerendahan hati"
itu kira2 isinya (gw lupa exact wordsnya) hehehehe.. tapii, ada satu hal yang langsung kena buat gw. I know that lewat pergumulan mencari kerja ini Tuhan lagi pengen ngajarin gw untuk bersabar dan beriman tapi Kerendahan Hati? hmm.... then baru gw ngeh. Coba pas pertama kali gw interview which is with Agency A and gw end up diterima, What will happen? I know for sure!!! kalo gw bakal jadi SOMBONG, yess I will. I have a big tendency to be arrogant, to Show up! and sekarang gw ngerti Tuhan bener2 lagi pengen ngajarin gw kerendahan hati, to be humble. To remind me that Humility is indeed a hard thing. So, yess ditolak itu sakitt banget, tapi Tuhan pengen ngajarin something walaupun it took me a month and one sms untuk mencelikkan mata gw. hehehehe...

After weeks pass . . . . . . (*bersambung* hehehehe..)
click here buat part 2

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